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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Claycomb

Digitally Interacting with Food!

In my Digital Media Writing class, we got to play around with some pretty cool pieces of interactive fiction. Some interactive fiction can be poetry or similar to a video game or can be a video game. My class and I are to think about what interaction there are with our blog topics and mine happens to be food! I am actually excited about the interaction that is involved in the food industry lately! As technologies keep advancing, the more entertainment we get watching Food Network on tv and getting to vote on the internet who we think made the best dish. If you're familiar with Snapchat, social media app, they have all kinds of cool videos, stories, and free subscriptions they share with the public.

One subscription I watch just about everyday is #Tastemade. The audience or user can watch other cooks and bakers make something and show us how through the camera lens. You're probably wondering, does the audience interact by just watching these food videos? The answer to that is...Tastemade creates polls that the audience can click on and vote their favorite food or which exotic food they would like to try. It's a lot of fun and it really keeps the users up to date with Tastemade. It's such a fun way of checking out recipes and screenshotting it so you have it later to try and make.

Whoever chooses to interact with this subscription and they vote on these polls, the polls actually are used in the future. The creators, bakers, and cooks will actually take notes. For example, lets say a poll was on which dish do you like to see us make next. They would give us from two to four options to pick from and from there, the dish with the highest votes will be shown within the next week or so.

I find that to be one way the #public and creators get to interact through technology and being able to screenshot recipes or a cute post they make.

Tastemade makes a lot of cute puns with food and they creativity go out of their way to make it look so cute, cool and/ funny.

My friends and I are always sending these to each other including recipes. Which is another #interaction we can get when it comes to food. Sending links to our friends so that they can enjoy what we see. Some might not really consider this an interaction but I do because all of these things were created using #technologies and programming and the audience can interact by sharing links to their friends or mom or dad or their grandma if she is up to date with today's society. Not mine... haha!

Other simple ways people can interact with food and sharing #recipes is creating a blog and uploading all of your favorite recipes for all to see. People can still share #links through emails and print off recipes or #download it to their phones.

Since I couldn't think of anything else on my own, I went to the internet to try and find some specific examples of interaction with food and let say that didn't go too well haha! Drug and food interaction was my top research I was given. Apparently nobody really understands how we could interact with food in a digital aspect. That's all I could find! See ya next time on Tastemade! Kidding...well maybe it might be a dream come true to work with them on some cool multimedia stuff!

Don't forget to #Subscribe on Tastemade if you have #Snapchat!

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